2016. március 8., kedd

How do you play / do these sports?

A racquet sport played by either two players (singles) or two pairs (doubles). Played on a court divided by a net with racquets and a shuttlecock. You play a game of badminton. 

A teamgame, usually played outdoors, on a cricket pitch, with a bat, a cricket ball, and stumps, There are11 players on each team. You play a cricket match.

Darts is played by two players. Darts are thrown at a dart board. You play a game of darts or a darts match.

A team sport, usually played outdoors, on a football pitch, with a round football, a goal, with two teams of 11 players, and a goal keeper (goalie). You play a game of football or a football match. Americans insist on calling it soccer.

Usually played by individuals, golf is played on a golf course, using several types of golf clubs and a golf ball. You play a game of golf or a round of golf.

2016. március 7., hétfő

Szólások mondások angolul - képekkel

 Josh got 100% on all three chemistry exams, what an egg head!

Steve Jobs was the big cheese of the technological world.

It's a beautiful day outside! Don't be such a couch potato; go and play with your friends.

2016. március 6., vasárnap

Üzleti angol idiómák

1. a foot in the door
to manage to enter an organization, a field of business, etc. that could bring you success
• I always wanted to work for that company but it took me two years to get a foot in the door.

2. cash cow
the part of a business that always makes a profit and that provides money for the rest of the business
The new product became the company's cash cow.

3. too many chiefs, not enough Indians
used to describe a situation in which there are too many people telling other people what to do, and not enough people to do the work
There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians in that company.

4. eager beaver
an enthusiastic person who works very hard
George is an eager beaver and is certain to succeed in business.