2016. június 5., vasárnap

Moda lAuxiliaries - Modális segédigék


1. a   Képesség:   tud (csinálni valamit) tanult képesség can/could múlt  tud
I can swim. Tudok úszni.
I could climb any tree when I was 5.
Mary can use the computer. Mary tudja használni a számítógépet.
Jim can play the violin. Jim tud hegedülni. 

1. b A körülmények lehetővé teszik , az adott (veszély)helyzetben is:    able to  képes (volt)
He is able to swim under the water, too. A víz alatt is képes úszni.
He is able to read qickly. 
Frank was able to drive home despite the heavy snowfall. A nagy hóesés ellenére Frank haza tudott vezetni.
Képes egyszer: The captain was hurt, but he was able to swim ashore. 

1. c. Tudná, ha kellene: Could  tudná
He could run the business if it was necessary. Tudná vinni az üzletet. 
Could you ....? Could you show me the way? Meg tudná mutatni az utat? Megmutatná? (udvarias) 
Mary could help us if she were here. Mary tudna nekünk segíteni, ha itt lenne.
Couldn't you be a bit more polite with her? Nem tudnál egy kicsit udvariasabb lenni vele?

1.d Tudtam volna, de nem tettem:  could have dont    lehetett volna, de nem
I could have lent you the money. Kölcsön tudtam volna adni. (de nem kérted) 
1.d Nem tudom, hogy megtörtént-e  lehet hogy de nem biztos
The money was stolen. Tom could have stolen it. (lehet, hogy Tom lopta el, de nem biztos) 

2.a Engedély: csinálhat valamit can/may hat-, het-, csinálhat
You can use my umbrella. Használhatod az esernyőmet. 
He can use his father's car. (van rá engedélye) 
On Sundays we could stay up late. 
You can park here. (Itt parkolhatsz. szabad.) 
You can't just come in here whenever you want. Nem jöhetsz be ide, amikor csak akarsz!
2.b To be allowed to - engedélye van rá, bizonyos cselekedetre 
I had a visa, so I was allowed to cross the border. 
He hasn't been  allowed to drive since his accident. 

3. Engedély kérés: hat-, het-, csinálhat? 
Can I stay here? Maradhatok? 
Could I stay here? Maradhatnék? (udvariasabb) Yes you can. 
May I stay here? (Még udvariasabb, formális) 
Might I stay here? (Bizonytalan a válaszban.) Yes, you may. I' rather you didn't. 

4. Felajánlás, szívességnyújtás 
Can I help you?
Can you lend me your book? Kölcsön adnád a könyved?

Could you lend me your book? (udvariasabb)
Would you lend me your book? (udvariasabb) 

2016. június 4., szombat

MBTI Personality Type Test

Munkahelyeken, job interview-kon sokan alkalmazzák az alábbi MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tesztet. Az alábbi kérdésekre válaszd ki az A vagy B választ, ami rád jobban illik.
Alul találod a kiértékelést. Ha megvan a négy betűd, írhatsz nekem, és részletes kiértékelést küldök angolul. 
1.    At a party do you:
a. Interact with many, including strangers b. Interact with a few, known to you
2.    Are you more:
a. Realistic than speculative
b. Speculative than realistic
3.    Is it worse to:
a. Have your "head in the clouds"
b. Be "in a rut"

2016. június 2., csütörtök

Accent tags-kiejtés

Ahogy a neten keresgéltem kiejtést javító anyagok után, az alábbi hasznos videókat találta.
Az accent tag vdeókban különböző országok akcentusát beszélő emberek, fiatalok mutatják be az akcentusukat.
Egy kis bevezető szerénykedés után, ugyanazokat a szavakat olvassák fel, aztán néhány eszement kérdésre válaszolnak saját tudásuk szerint. Pl, mi az a teepee.

Miért hasznosak?
- Gyakorolhatod a hallás utáni megértés.
- Beszédet, kiejtés gyakorolhatod ismételve utánuk a szavakat.
- Érdekes összehasonlítani a brit, amerikai és ausztrál kiejtést is.
A youtube-on sok hasonló vidám hangulatú videót találni

British English London

American NY


2016. június 1., szerda

Phrasal werbs with "PICK"

Pick up.
a) To take something up off of a surface. Pick your coat up off the floor.
Pick up the phone. 
b) To meet and collect a person from a specific location. Who's going to pick Henry up at
the airport?
c) To buy something Jordan picked up some milk on the way home.
*Note that to pick up a person can also mean to meet someone, usually at a public place such as a bar or
night club, and to become sexually involved with him or her after spending only a short time together.
Pick out.
a) To select, to choose. Melissa picked out a shirt and brought it to the dressing room.
b) To separate from. If you break a wine glass, make sure you pick all of the glass out of the

2016. május 30., hétfő

Whimsical Works of Art, Found Sticking to the Sidewalk

Ben Wilson lies prone to paint flattened gobs of chewing gum.

MUSWELL HILL, England — When first exposed to the art of Ben Wilson, or to Mr. Wilson in the act of creating it, people tend to respond with some degree of puzzlement.
"When I first saw one, I thought it was a fruit sticker," said Matt Brasier, who was walking through this north London suburb the other day.
A woman named Vassiliki, who was passing by, said that when she came upon Mr. Wilson, prone and seemingly inert on the sidewalk, "I thought he wasn't very well." She added: "I was like, ‘What is he doing?' And they told me: ‘He's painting the chewing gum.' "

Ben Wilson's underfoot art.
That is exactly what he was doing. Mr. Wilson, 47, one of Britain's best-known outsider artists, has for the last six years or so immersed himself in a peculiar passion all his own: he paints tiny pictures on flattened blobs of discarded chewing gum on the sidewalks of London. So familiar is he here, painting in any kind of weather, that he has become something of a local celebrity and mascot.
"He brings a lot of joy to a lot of people," said Peter Kyriacou, who owns the local Snappy Snaps photography store, which has a number of Wilson works out front.

2016. május 29., vasárnap

Rendhagyó múltidők segítség

Rendhagyó igék tanulásához egy kis segítség, hogy legyen benne valami rendszer. 
Nem sok logikát lehet találni az angol nyelv helyesírásában és a szavak kiejtésében.
Itt egy kis gyűjtemény, hogy valami rendszer szerint lehessen tanulni a múlt idejű alakokat.
Mert ezek olyanok, hogy meg kell őket tanulni, nincs mese.
És még egy kis kiejtési segédletet is kaptok alább. 
Hallgass bele 
Infinitive Past simple Past participle Jelentés
be was/were been van, lenni
have had had van valamije
do did done csinál, tesz, megtesz

2. Igék, melyek mindhárom formája ugyanaz
Infinitive Past simple Past participle Jelentés
beat beat beat megüt, megver
bet bet bet fogad
broadcast broadcast broadcast ad, sugároz (rádióban, televízióban)
burst burst burst (szét)tör, (szét)repeszt
cast cast cast dob, vet, hajít
cost cost cost kerül(vmibe)
cut cut cut vágni
hit hit hit megüt
hurt hurt hurt megsért
let let let hagy
put put put rak, helyez
read read read olvas
set set set helyez
shut shut shut becsuk

2016. május 27., péntek

Enrolling in a language course

       Enrolling in a language course
  • Good morning.
  • Good morning. Can I help you?
  • Yes, please. I'd like to inquire about the English language courses you organize at your language school. I have decided to take part in an intensive course because my knowledge of English is rather poor and needs to be improved.
  • What would you like to get to know?
  • What levels of English courses are there at your language school?
  • There are courses for students at beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced levels, too. Anyway, all the students are asked to write a test beforehand so as to ascertain what level they should attend.

2016. május 26., csütörtök

Mind your language

Mind Your Language Learn English By Movies Season 1 ep 1 The First LessonImádom, annyira humoros, egy szegény angoltanárról, akinek mindenféle nációval kell boldogulnia.
Nem kezdőknek való, inkább azoknak, akik értik a nyelvi humort, a nyelvi szójátékokat, amiket a külföldiek el tudnak követni az angollal.

Ezt nehogy megtanuljátok! 

  • And squeeze me please lady
  • Yeah I'm coming here for to be learning the English.
  • You are early. 
  • No, I am Ali. 
  • I beg your pardon. 
  • My name is Ali. Ali Nadim I am coming here for to be learning the English. 
  • Yes you wish to join our course of English as a foreign language. 
  • And I'm hoping to be unrolled. 
  • Hoping to be unrolled. 
  • That's what you say in your silly bus. :-)

2016. május 20., péntek

Gerund - Infinitive

A gerund - vagy inges alak nagyon szépen angolossá teszi a beszédünket, és lerövidít sok bonyolult

szerkezetet, például that/should-os - (hogy valaki csináljon valamit)  mellékmondatot.
(Például: I suggested (to him) that he should do some sports. - helyett: I suggested him doing some sports.)
 Már egész korán meg kellett tanulnunk, hogy a szeret-nem szeret jelentésű igék után az igei tárgy (amit szeret-nem szeret az ember csinálni), -inges alakban, tehát gerund formában áll.
Vannak olyan igék, főnevek, szerkezetek, amik után lehet gerundot is és főnévi igenevet is használni.
Van amikor csak gerundot, és van amikor más a jelentése a kettőnek. Meg kell tanulni. Lehetőleg kis mondatokkal, eleve a szó tanulásakor már úgy kiírva a szótárba.

ADMIT (beismer)
~ (to) doing sth: He admits (to) having neglected his children.
~ (to) sth: He admits (to) his mistakes.
~ (to sb) (that): He admitted (to his parents) (that) he had failed his exam.
APPRECIATE (méltányol, értékel)
~ sth: I really appreciate your kindness.
~ doing sth: I appreciate being treated like a princess.
~ sb doing sth: We would appreciate you helping us. (hálásak lennénk) 
~ that: I appreciated that he took me home.
AVOID (elkerül)
~ sb/sth: The crash couldn't be avoided. (elkerülhetetlen volt)
~ sb/sth doing sth: They built a dam to avoid the water flooding the city.
~ doing sth: He tried to avoid meeting them.
HELP (CAN'T HELP) (nem tud megállni vmit)
can't/ couldn't ~ doing sth: I couldn't help laughing when I heard that incredible story. (nem tudtam megállni nevetés nélkül)
can't/ couldn't ~ but do sth: I couldn't help but laugh when I heard that story. (csak nevetni tudtam)
STAND (CAN'T STAND) (ki nem állhatja)
~ sth/doing/to do sth: I can't stand (watching/to watch) bad films.
~ sb doing sth: I can't stand people laughing at me.
~ it wh: She can't stand it when people criticize her.
CONSIDER (megfontol)
~ sth: I've heard that you are considering a new career.
~ doing CONSIDER sth: We consider moving.
~ wh: We have to consider where to go on holiday
DELAY (elhalaszt)
~ sth: They agreed to delay the offensive.
~ doing sth: They delayed introducing new measures.
DENY (tagad, megtagad)
~ sth: He denied the accusation. (visszautasította a vádakat)
~ sth (to sb): He denies nothing (to her).
~ (sb) (sth): He denies (her) (nothing).
~ doing sth: He denied stealing the car.
~ (that): He denied (that) he had stolen the car.
~ oneself (sth): Don't deny yourself (anything)!
DISLIKE (nem szeret)
~ sb/sth: I don't dislike him at all.
~ it wh: She dislikes it when people are aggressive.
~ doing sth: I dislike hurting my father.
~ sb's doing sth: He disliked her leaving home.
FANCY (tetszik, kedvére van)
~ sth: Do you fancy a beer? (Nem kérsz egy sört?)
~ sb: I am sure he fancies you. (tetszel neki)
~ oneself (as) sth: He fancies himself (as) a famous politician. (úgy tekint magára)
~ doing sth: Do you fancy having a drink tonight? (volna kedved)
~ (that): He fancied (that) he could fly. (azt képzelte)
IMAGINE (képzel, elképzel)
~ sth adj: Little children imagine animals free and happy.
~ doing sth: She can't imagine living in a big city.
~ sb doing sth: I can't imagine him shouting.
~ that: She imagined that she was rich.
INVOLVE (maga után von)
~ sth: The technique involves the use of tiles.
~ (sb/sb's) doing sth: The actor's contract with the company involves (him/his) using their product. (a szerződés része az, hogy)
~ sb in (doing) sth: The chairman should involve the board in (making) decisions. (be kellene vonnia az igazgatótanácsot a döntéshozatalba)
JUSTIFY (igazol)
~ sth: His result justified the faith his trainers had put in him.
~ sth to sb: He had to justify his decision (to the committee). (meg kellett indokolnia)
~ (sb/sth) doing sth: These circumstances justify (us) spending more money. (indokolják)
MIND (bán, zavar)
~: He got up late, but he didn't mind. (de nem bánta)
~ sth: I don't mind the noise at all. (nem zavar a zaj)
~ doing: Do you mind working in the garden? (bánod, ha a kertben kell dolgoznod)
~ sb/sb's doing sth: I hope you don't mind me/my opening the window. (remélem, nem zavarja)
POSTPONE (elhalaszt)
~ sth (to/until sth): They postponed the outing (until Monday).
~ doing sth: They postponed building the new underground line.
RESIST (ellenáll)
~ (sth): The police resisted the demands of the kidnapper.
~ doing sth: She resisted telling him about the surprise.
RISK (kockáztat)
~ sth: He risked his life for his turtle.
~ sth on sth: He risked everything on roulette.
~ doing sth: How could he risk losing all his money?
~ sb doing sth: He couldn't risk his partner telling everything to the police so he killed him.
SUGGEST (javasol)
~ sth (to sb): He suggested a solution (to me).
~ sb/sth (for sth): Who would you suggest for this role? (kit ajánlanál)
~ sb/sth (as sth): Who would you suggest as Desdemona ? (kit ajánlanál)
~ doing sth: I suggested seeing a film.
~ sb's doing sth: I suggested his taking up some sport.
~ (to sb) (that): I suggest (to him) (that) he takes up some sport.
~ (to sb) (that) sb (should/might) do sth: I suggested (to him) (that) he (should) take up some sport.
it is ~ed that sb/sth (should) do sth: It has been suggested that everybody (should) vote.
~ (to sb) wh: He suggested (to me) where to look for a job.
~ sth (to sb): The evidence suggested murder (to the detective). (sugallt)
~ (that): The evidence suggests that Mr. Smith has been murdered. (a bizonyíték arra utal)
TOLERATE (elvisel)
~ sth: I can't tolerate his behaviour.
~ doing sth: She won't tolerate being refused.
~ sb doing sth: I won't tolerate you being late.
MISS (hiányzik)
~ (sth): He tried to score a goal, but he missed (it). (mellé lőtt)
~ doing sth: I miss running in the morning
INSIST (ragaszkodik)
~ on (doing) sth: He insisted on (taking) the bigger cake.
~ on sb/sb's doing sth: I insist on you/your taking the bigger cake.
~ that sb (should) do sth: He insisted that he (should) concentrate on improving his speaking skill.
OBJECT (ellenez)
~ to sb/sth: The president objected to the new financial policy.
~ to (sb/sb's) doing sth: I objected to (him/his) leaving the camp. (elleneztem, hogy elhagyja)
~ that: He objected that he was dismissed without any

és még számtalan létezik, ez nem a teljes lista

2016. május 10., kedd

Job Interview dialogues

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkPTJwSWnJ8  Hallgatáshoz kattints a linkre!

Különböző munkákra, különböző kérdésekre adott válaszok.
Ez alapján felkészülhetsz a legváratlanabb interjúkérdésekre is.
Lelkes tanítványok leírták, olvassátok szeretettel, felajánlom:

- Hello Mrs Smith, how are you?
- I am fine, thank you
- Please have a seat.
 - Would you like some coffee or tea?
- Nothing thank you, I am fine.
- Good morning miss Anderson! How are you today?
- Fine thanks.  And you?
-  I'm fine thank you. Please follow me!
- We will meet in the conference room.
- Okay

2016. március 8., kedd

How do you play / do these sports?

A racquet sport played by either two players (singles) or two pairs (doubles). Played on a court divided by a net with racquets and a shuttlecock. You play a game of badminton. 

A teamgame, usually played outdoors, on a cricket pitch, with a bat, a cricket ball, and stumps, There are11 players on each team. You play a cricket match.

Darts is played by two players. Darts are thrown at a dart board. You play a game of darts or a darts match.

A team sport, usually played outdoors, on a football pitch, with a round football, a goal, with two teams of 11 players, and a goal keeper (goalie). You play a game of football or a football match. Americans insist on calling it soccer.

Usually played by individuals, golf is played on a golf course, using several types of golf clubs and a golf ball. You play a game of golf or a round of golf.

2016. március 7., hétfő

Szólások mondások angolul - képekkel

 Josh got 100% on all three chemistry exams, what an egg head!

Steve Jobs was the big cheese of the technological world.

It's a beautiful day outside! Don't be such a couch potato; go and play with your friends.

2016. március 6., vasárnap

Üzleti angol idiómák

1. a foot in the door
to manage to enter an organization, a field of business, etc. that could bring you success
• I always wanted to work for that company but it took me two years to get a foot in the door.

2. cash cow
the part of a business that always makes a profit and that provides money for the rest of the business
The new product became the company's cash cow.

3. too many chiefs, not enough Indians
used to describe a situation in which there are too many people telling other people what to do, and not enough people to do the work
There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians in that company.

4. eager beaver
an enthusiastic person who works very hard
George is an eager beaver and is certain to succeed in business.

2016. február 22., hétfő

Personal Questions: Who Are You?

Personality test - English language coaching - Self help for better self understanding - Why not speak about you? To be the wonder what you already are! Answer these questions in written form and send me, or just think about them and call me to discuss them!

1. What were the three most positive events in your childhood?
Why were they significant to you?
What changed inside of you, as a result of those events?
What beliefs did you adopt as a result?
How do those events affect you today?

2. What were the three most negative events in your childhood?
Why were those three significant? What changed inside you as a result of those events?
What beliefs did you adopt as a result?
How do those events affect you today?